i’m colleen
Registered Dietitian and non-judgy educator, here to free you from diet culture once and for all! Because you deserve peace with food, eating, and your body. (Yes, you, beautiful!)
Registered Dietitian
I have a degree & years of training in nutrition so I kinda know what I’m talkin’ about!
I.E. Counselor
I’m a certified Intuitive Eating counselor and I’ve helped 1000s of gals like you.
Past Dieter
I lived the diet life just like you. Now I eat PB right out of the jar!
intuitive eating dietitian & counselor
I’m not a regular dietitian. I’m an Intuitive Eating dietitian. So I’m never gonna tell you to track your food intake or force foods you don’t like, I boldly believe that food should be fun and even joyful, and I know that dieting and food obsession robs us of that joy.

i’m a mid-west gal so I don’t like to brag…

Intuitive Eating Is My Jam.
But I Used To Be Where You Are!
Like you, I used to be trapped in a cycle of restriction, overeating and feeling completely out of control around food.
Then, when I first started trying to ditch diets, I was lost, frustrated, and confused. I started my intuitive eating journey thinking I could just let myself “eat normally”. I mean, it’s eating…how hard can it be? Well, joke was on me because it’s REAL hard!
It Was Far From A Cakewalk…
I just kept ping-pong-ing between restricting and binge eating. I felt sick and out of control. But with time and lots of trial-and-error, eventually, I found a balance.
the sociEATy: your recipe for success
When I was struggling, the road was long and confusing, and I felt like I was the ONLY one going through this. I want you to get there faster than I did, and without so many dang detours! (Detours that have enticing directions STRAIGHT to ‘em plastered all over social media by untrained influencers!)
I created the SociEATy because I don’t believe anyone should struggle as much as I did. Or take on this journey alone!
It’s full of lessons, information, and guidance from me, so you know I’M with you on your journey. But it also has a community full of your non-judgemental future besties—strong women who get it and are there when you need them. Because ditching dieting and pushing back against fatphobia and toxic diet culture are hard things to do, so we gotta stick together!
My struggles have allowed me to grow as a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist and create the No Food Rules approach to intuitive eating & nutrition that has helped thousands of women break up with dieting and make peace with their bodies. I teach these methods inside of the non-diet membership community, The SociEATy, and you’ll find these methods discussed throughout my blog and on my YouTube channel.
eat your heart out, diet culture!
With Intuitive Eating, my body is stronger. I’m happier. I’m healthier. And you deserve that very same feel-good freedom. Whether you’re over-exercising, over-restricting, or both, know that Intuitive Eating—and me, Colleen!—can help you find it.
When you learn to eat intuitively, your mind and body are going to feel their best. You’ll enjoy date night at a restaurant, be able to keep ice cream in the freezer (seriously!), and snack without slipping into a binge. I can’t wait to celebrate those wins with you!
You didn’t get food rules overnight, and you won’t ditch ‘em that fast, either. But I promise that with my framework, I can promise you’ll get there WAY sooner than I did!
Welcome to the community!
Registered Dietitian
Intuitive Eating Dietitian
Founder of No Food Rules