meet your host:
Colleen Christensen, host of The No Food Rules Podcast, is a Registered Dietitian and non-judgy educator, here to free you from diet culture once and for all through realistic conversations with actionable advice.
Show Notes
All right, you guys, it’s that time again. Sleigh bells are ringing, the kitchen foods are cooking, and Keto Karen stands before you at the dessert table in her trendy low-cut jeans talking about her new fad diet she’s losing so much weight on. (We all have a Keto Karen in our family!)
That can only mean one thing: it’s the holiday season!
This is the time of year many folks on their food journeys can have a difficult time navigating. There are different foods, different atmospheres, different dynamics, and different stressors; there are so many things that don’t happen in the same way throughout the rest of the year that it’s no wonder why this time of year can feel so hard.
But here’s the deal, you guys, it’s normal for it to be hard every time we encounter a new experience. It doesn’t mean you’re doing anything wrong, it’s just different.
That’s what I wanted to talk about today. We’re going to talk all about the top 5 tips on how to have a truly healthy (and guilt-free) holiday season. So let’s get to work on our diet culture suit of armor and focus on the physical, biological, and mental preparations so we can enjoy the gooey goodness and chips without falling off the path of our food journey.
And don’t worry about taking notes, I did that for you already and linked them in the show notes!
Episode Sponsor:
Use code NoFoodRules (all one word) for 15% off your order of Safe and Fair Granola (the Birthday Cake flavor is my fav!):
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Episode Links:
Colleen’s thoughts on cyclical trends here.
Take The Diet-Ditching Leap
& Girl, We’ll Catch Ya!
The SociEATy is your Anti-Diet safety net! Diet culture is appealing because of the community, structure, and goals. So it MAKES SENSE that it’s hard to leave behind. I created the SociEATy—the community that actually EATs!—with all the GOOD things dieting has to offer baked in. So you don’t have to free-fall into this new way of life!
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