Meet Your Host:
Colleen Christensen, host of The No Food Rules Podcast, is a Registered Dietitian and non-judgy educator, here to free you from diet culture once and for all through realistic conversations with actionable advice.
Show Notes
Free Training: How to Master Your Hunger And Fullness Cues → Sign Up Here!
What do a jam-packed schedule, ADHD medications, overeating, AND undereating have in common? They can all get in the way of your being able to listen to your own hunger cues. Dangit! In this episode, Colleen Christensen walks you through the SIX (count ‘em: six!) reasons your hunger cues have gone MIA and – VIP – what you can do to get them back. She’ll also explain what the four kinds of hunger are and what detective work will help you to understand why simple carbs are your top choice when you’re hungry like the wolf…and if that’s even a bad thing. Honoring your relationship with your body, eating and hunger cues is important…but it definitely isn’t easy. Just like recovering from a tiff with your BFF, it takes practice to build trust with your body. In this podcast episode, you’ll learn how to get your hunger cues back so that you can bid dieting farewell for good.
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Join The SociEATy: https://members.colleenchristensennutrition.com/join/
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