meet your host:
Colleen Christensen, host of The No Food Rules Podcast, is a Registered Dietitian and non-judgy educator, here to free you from diet culture once and for all through realistic conversations with actionable advice.
Show Notes
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Almost everyone has a story about how they began ‘dieting.’ Maybe you are a stress eater who found yourself in a restrict then binge cycle, causing you to become obsessed with what you should and should not eat. Or perhaps you’ve found yourself in a situation where things felt out of control, so you hyper-fixated on your eating because that seemed like something you could control.
No matter how it began, your dieting may have started off innocently enough, but now that relationship with food is dictating ALL of your decisions. Can you relate?
But guess what? There’s another way. A way where you can feel fired and INSPIRED—even hopeful about your relationship with food—and there’s a community waiting to support you on your journey because everything is better with friends.
If you want to make 2023 the year you FINALLY feel in control around food again, listen to this episode.
Today, I’m introducing you to 3 fab gal pals, Amrita, Beth, and Micaela, who were fed up with living their lives around made-up toxic diet culture ‘food rules,’ so they decided to do something about it.
In this episode, each of these fabulous ladies will share their story about the light bulb moment that made them decide there had to be a better way to approach food and why each of them decided to embark on their own intuitive eating path.
We discuss why sometimes diving into the water of intuitive eating takes more than one attempt, some of the pitfalls they ran into along the way, and how success is better shared with friends who can help make the challenges less challenging, help you laugh at yourself, AND help you feel less alone in your journey. Plus, my special insight into the REAL difference between not dieting and intuitive eating.
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Episode Links:
The New Year No Diet [Part One]:
The New Year No Diet [Part Two]:
The SociEATy is your Anti-Diet safety net! Diet culture is appealing because of the community, structure, and goals. So it MAKES SENSE that it’s hard to leave behind. I created the SociEATy—the community that actually EATs!—with all the GOOD things dieting has to offer baked in. So you don’t have to free-fall into this new way of life!
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