this episode’s guest:
Nicole is a Registered Dietitian from Pittsburgh, Pa. Who, after struggling her way through her own disordered eating, has found her passion in helping others navigate their way through Intuitive Eating and live their lives to the fullest.
Show Notes
🚨FREE TRAINING!🚨 How To Find Your Best Weight As An Intuitive Eater
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Today, Colleen and Nicole are tackling the complex and often conflicting messages about weight loss and health. We’ll explore the difficulties of sustaining weight loss, from the impact of weight setpoints to the bodily changes that make weight maintenance challenging, and why it’s crucial to find a non-diet-y middle ground where you can break food rules, care for your health, and find YOUR body’s best weight.
Tune in for a casual chat with two dietitians about rewiring your brain to overcome negative thoughts, comparison and judgment in the gym, and the importance of meeting our basic human needs as a foundation for productivity and overall well-being.
Plus, don’t forget to sign up for the upcoming training on April 11th on “How to Find Your Best Weight as an Intuitive Eater.”
Key Takeaways:
- Diets CAN result in weight loss, BUT…—we’ll delve into the challenges of maintaining weight loss beyond the body’s natural set point.
- End the blame game—the importance of understanding the physiological changes that occur during weight loss and how to address them, so you don’t blame yourself for the challenges that crop up in maintenance.
- The myth that fat equals ugly—how the media’s portrayal of fatness has influenced society’s attitudes and beliefs about body image.
- Why weight really DOES matter—hang in with Colleen as she walks you through the misconceptions behind the Health at Every Size framework.
- Why it’s crucial to find your setpoint weight by honoring your hunger and fullness cues and how No Food Rules can help.
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