meet your host:
Colleen Christensen, host of The No Food Rules Podcast, is a Registered Dietitian and non-judgy educator, here to free you from diet culture once and for all through realistic conversations with actionable advice.
Show Notes
FREE TRAINING! How To Find Your Best Weight As An Intuitive Eater
Sign Up Here https://go.colleenchristensennutrition.com/best-weight-training/
Starting out on your intuitive eating (IE) journey can be uncomfortable on many levels, but it doesn’t have to be. In this episode of “The No Food Rules” podcast, Colleen discusses one of the biggest obstacles on your intuitive eating journey: the fear of the unknown.
She’ll share her own story of starting her intuitive eating journey “whole ham” without a plan and the struggles she faced with weight gain, physical challenges, and even bulimia that almost sent her back to dieting!
Listen in as Colleen shares the importance of biological reconditioning plus practical tips for anyone starting their intuitive eating journey (or struggling with it) to get past their fear, veer around obstacles, and stay on track towards a healthy relationship with food.
And don’t forget the free training on how to find your best weight with IE is coming on April 11th. Sign up NOW!
Key Takeaways:
- Anxiety as a superpower: Understanding when it helps and when it doesn’t!
- The 1st thing you need to do when starting your IE journey.
- My bumpy road to my healthiest weight.
- Why the oversimplified eat the donuts, eat the cookies, but love your body at the same time isn’t enough.
- Body image before food—why I address it first when working with clients.
- Avoiding the mental tug of war: How to begin your IE journey without feeling out of control.
- No weight, no problem: Why it’s okay to ask for no weight at the doctor.
- Love your body! I do (but every day—heck no!) how you can get there without the ALL-or-nothing mindset that derails so many of us.
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