meet your host:
Colleen Christensen, host of The No Food Rules Podcast, is a Registered Dietitian and non-judgy educator, here to free you from diet culture once and for all through realistic conversations with actionable advice.
Show Notes
What is a big ole clue that you’re burning out? And what powerful question can you ask yourself to stop diet culture thoughts in their tracks? In today’s episode, we have a casual chat with Colleen as she answers some of your common questions lately; are we ever done with body image work? Should we describe veggies as tasting like “candy”? And what to do with clothes that fit…but don’t make you feel good. Sometimes we can’t drop things off the to-do list, so Colleen shares her strategies to maximize the self-care that you can do while pushing through a season of plenty.
Join The SociEATy & Learn How To Eat Intuitively: https://members.colleenchristensennutrition.com/join/
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Episode Sponsor:
Use code NoFoodRules (all one word) for 15% off your first order of Equilibria (My faaaaaave CBD brand!): https://myeq.info/3rCL4L2
Episode Links:
Tune into the podcast episode about a daily uniform: https://colleenchristensennutrition.com/how-why-i-created-a-daily-uniform/
Meal planning for Intuitive Eaters: https://colleenchristensennutrition.com/how-to-meal-plan-for-intuitive-eating/
Peanut butter dates: https://colleenchristensennutrition.com/peanut-butter-stuffed-dates-5-ways/

The SociEATy is your Anti-Diet safety net! Diet culture is appealing because of the community, structure, and goals. So it MAKES SENSE that it’s hard to leave behind. I created the SociEATy—the community that actually EATs!—with all the GOOD things dieting has to offer baked in. So you don’t have to free-fall into this new way of life!
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